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'Gnar Gnar'- Blood Tide's "Gnarly" Review

Turn up the muhfukkin’ speakers and let me grab my goTTdamn longboard! The power of music to transport you to a time and place is something Blood Tide has tied into the sound of their new EP, Gnarly. The project’s soundscape is a mixture what I would describe as a more contemporary experimental coastal vibe and early 90s grunge-punk. I pressed play and Immediately heard the Rocket Power theme play in my head along to “Piss in the Streets”. Dope. As an avid hip hop listener, I can especially appreciate the delivery in vocals and penmanship. “I meet the asshole convention.” CLASSIC SHIT !!! Every line after more enticing than the last. "Failure Medidation”. When you say, “gnarly” this track is just Gnarly and nasty as hell !!! It definitely stands out to me as a potential favorite, but every track brings out something worth listening to. With that said, I couldn’t have thought of a better close out track for the EP than “On the Last Night from Within a Dream”. It was every bit of drifting off that I needed it to be for me to just keep it on repeat and start back over. Gnarly, is worth 1,000 spins solely based on how well the projects flow is composed. Nice. Dopeass dark distorted melodies, rockin’ass drums, and a cool vibed-out bass throughout make Gnarly a sick EP worth listening to.


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